Rockface Sand and Water Tray - Red

SKU: MF594
€221.34 Incl. VAT
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- High-quality trays complete with wheels for easy mobility. - Perfect for enriching water play and inspiring creativity. - Can be filled with coloured water, gloop, and other materials. - Easy to clean and quickly empty. - Handy shelf underneath for water play accessories storage. - Made from sturdy plastic with soft, moulded sides featuring a rock face. - Available with clear or red tray options. - Optional lid available separately to keep contents dry. - Rounded edges design for children's comfort. - Suitable for use indoors and outdoors, perfect for early years and primary school. - Enhances sensory and imaginative play. - Supports fine motor skills development. - Promotes cooperative and social play. - Ideal for water play activities. - Accessories not included. - Note: Some contents may not be suitable for children under 10 months. - Can be used with different materials for versatile play. - Encourages hands-on learning and active exploration. Read More


Style: No Lid

No Lid
With Lid
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