Fraction Decimal Percentage Set
- Color-coded set for understanding fractions, decimals, percentages
- Interchangeable pieces for interactive learning
- Explore decimal and percentage notation
- Understand relationships between decimals, fractions, percentages
- Enhances addition and subtraction skills
- Comes with boards, pieces, and Resources Book

The Fraction, Decimal and Percentage set with their colour
coded and size related interchangable pieces have all been
designed to enable children to become familiar with the
relationship between decimals, percentages and fractions.
Mathematical Ideas:
Decimal and percentage notation
Interrelationships between decimals, fractions and percentages
Addition and subtraction of decimals, fractions and percentages
Contains: 1 of each board, Pieces and Resources Book

This item comes pre-assembled so
you can begin to enjoy your item straight away!

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European Safety

Delivered directly from our warehouse in Kilkenny to you

Delivered directly from our warehouse in Kilkenny to you

This item comes pre-assembled so you can begin to enjoy your item straight away!

Complies to
European Safety