This synthetic phonics reading scheme is designed to complement, existing systematic phonics programmes such as Let...
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What are tuff trays for?
Tuff Trays are a (1 meter diameter) plastic tray that provides a contained space for child...
Continue Reading Make the most of your outdoor setting! Be inspired to turn your outdoor environment into a fun filled area to help ...
Continue Reading Choosing the right chair and table height for your child is just as important as it would be for choosing one for y...
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Foam House Bricks are a must have resource for the early year’s environment. The foam bricks are an exact repli...
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Over the past 2 months I have been working with Ease Education trialing their A3 light panel in my classroom and...
Continue Reading Are you finding it hard to keep your child interested while home schooling? As a parent making different subjects i...
Continue Reading Simple, creative tuff tray ideas
from Kelly Reay @preschool_teacher_Ireland
Tuff trays were originally used by bu...
Continue Reading This situation is not normal and we all want what is best for our children. Just remember you as a parent or guardian taught your child every skill they had when you handed them over to childcare practitioner/teacher. Let’s hope we can look back on lockdown in 2020 as a time when their family spent precious moments together. By Kelly Reay @preschool_teacher_ireland
Continue Reading Do you want open ended play ideas that promote independent learning and allow children to develop self-confidence in their choices? Construction play allows children to be logical thinking, using imagination and motor skills.
To our customers and friends,
EASE is a family run business and our customers are at the core of everything we do....
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One of the key areas of development is motor skills—or use of the hands.
Watching how children use their hands, wh...
Continue Reading When we look at role play and small world play, we can see clearly how interaction and play benefit children social...
Continue Reading Programming is fast becoming a new form of literacy.
From a young age a child is exposed to new technologies and th...
Continue Reading Children need a lot of time to play, experiment and create, and the role of an early year’s settings is to facilita...
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If there is one thing we have learned never to depend on it’s the Irish weather. You can never plan for anything w...
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